Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's Not Dead

The Horrible AMV Project is not dead. I've just been REAAAAAAAAALY busy lately with life. However, I'm hoping later this summer, I'll be able to get back to work making these AMVs. Just sit tight. The awesome is coming.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

HQ Version of A Cowboy's Gotta Do Now Available

So finally got their servers all back in order so that I could upload the first video of the Horrible AMV Project. The video has been uploaded, and is free to download. You just have to do a free registration thing on the site. Don't worry. They won't spam you or sell your information. It's just to track what gets downloaded and such. Aaanyway, if you'd like a HQ version of "A Cowboy's Gotta Do" (and who wouldn't?) just head on over here and download away.

The next AMV should be coming sometime soon...ish. Lent has been taking its toll as of late, keeping me busy, busy, busy. But rest assured, I'll be getting to work on the next AMV as soon as possible. Watch this site for more info. Ciao.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Horrible AMV Project - A Cowboy's Gotta Do

So originally, I had intended to do the songs in order, but since I had my Cowboy Bebop DVDs handy and because all the footage was taken from one episode ... this one got made first.

Note: This is my first time using Final Cut Express to make an AMV. My previous AMV's were made in Premiere back when I was a PC guy. So this was a great learning experience for me. (and what an AMV to learn with!)

So now, without further ado, the first entry in the Horrible AMV Project: A Cowboy's Gotta Do

Eventually, high quality versions of all the videos will be posted to, so watch there for downloadable copies. (Free registration required)

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Horrible AMV Project Begins!

Oh, what we dream up when we're bored!  That was how this all started.  Bored one day, with a new Mac, FinalCut Express, and hard drives full of anime.

This past summer, Joss Whedon and crew released the first (to my knowledge) and best sing-along blog EVER: Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog.  It was smashing!  It had the writing.  It had the acting.  But most importantly, it had the songs.  Such wonderful songs that just beg to be made into anime music videos (AMVs).  And so I decided that I would do it.  I would do as the songs asked and make AMVs of them.  I would, in fact, make an AMV for each of the songs.  It became a project of sorts.  And thus, the Horrible AMV Project was born.

I'm still working on the AMVs, but watch this space for thoughts, updates, and eventually the finished product.

Disclaimer: This is a fan project.  I have not sought permission from Joss Whedon or anyone else associated with Dr. Horrible or any of the Anime used, but instead are relying on their graciousness and ability to see this as nothing but flattery and appreciation of their work.